Training the State’s Public Servants

From management fundamentals to personal and organizational integrity, UT’s on-the-job training program for managers within all public organizations is preparing Tennessee’s leaders to lead.
A group completes a puzzle together

The Tennessee Certified Public Manager program, based in the UT Institute for Public Service’s Naifeh Center for Effective Leadership, is a nationally certified development program available to managers from state and local government, higher education, business and industry.

Naifeh Center for Effective Leadership

Since launching in 2019, almost 90 managers from local and state government organizations have completed the program. Participants in the yearlong program learn about current trends in public management by hearing from subject-matter experts with experience in the field. The program helps participants gain proficiency in seven fundamental areas: personal and organizational integrity, self-development, work management, public service, leadership of people, change leadership and systemic integration.

Anyone interested in enrolling is encouraged to visit

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