UT System President Randy Boyd explored Highland Manor Winery, home to the UT System’s 16th Everywhere You Look, UT mural, during his recent stop in Fentress County.
“This winery shows the power of UT alumni working with UT experts to impact their industries and communities,” said Boyd. “Everywhere you look, UT is making a difference in communities big and small.”
His visit was part of the “Everywhere you look, UT” tour, a three-month statewide trek to more than 50 counties to celebrate UT’s impact across Tennessee.
Owned by Fred and Rhonda Moody, Highland Manor Winery in Jamestown, Tennessee, is the oldest licensed winery in the state and produces more than 50,000 bottles of wine each year. The winery is also open to the public for wine tastings, tours and events, adding to Tennessee’s growing agritourism industry. Fred is a 1999 graduate of UT Knoxville and is a veterinarian in Livingston, Tennessee.

Rep. John Mark Windle, Boyd, Fentress County officials, UT Extension agents and residents of Fentress County joined Boyd to view the 40-foot-wide mural, tour the winery and discuss the impact UT has on the winery and the industry statewide.
“Growing grapes is not easy, but when you’re interested in it and hopefully have a little bit of help, you can do a good job,” said David Lockwood, UT Institute of Agriculture professor of plant sciences and noted viticulture expert, who lends his expertise to the Moodys’ growing business.
During the winery tour, the Moodys explained their winemaking process and highlighted just how much goes into making each bottle of wine, including the crusher, press, bottling machine, tanks and acres of grapes.
“We could not pull this off on a day-to-day basis without the help and relationships we have with our partners at the state and UT,” said Rhonda Moody said.